Schurman/USNR Edger Outfeed Finger Picker Belt Conveyor

Schurman/USNR Edger Outfeed Finger Picker Belt Conveyor for 24” capacity Edger, S/N 2947B. Trough is 44” wide, 24” deep and 18’9” long. Belt pulley is16” X 44” with rubber cover. 24” wide finger set with 14-fingers and 14 lift cylinders with valves. No motor or belt but both are available as options. Very good condition. See photos of Schurman Edger Outfeed Finger Picker Belt Conveyor on our web site. Inventory No. 10908. Located at our Portland, Oregon facility.

Schurman/USNR Edger Outfeed Finger Picker Belt Conveyor

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